🤯 These days, it feels like buyers put you in a Lose / Lose ...
If you’re sticking around for chapter 3, you know that companies are desperately for ways to achieve modern buyer demands WHILE maintaining control of the value story.

Today, there’s 2 primary ways companies go to market:
1️⃣ .. Sales led growth (SLG)
2️⃣ .. Product led growth (PLG *buzz word* )
YET with both motions, companies still miss the mark.
"How? Why? What else could we do?" they plead
Here's the reason these motions are letting your buyers down, and thus, resulting in missed targets
Companies who choose PLG:
🤑 SUCCEED at achieving modern buyer’s demand
💣 FAIL at controlling the value story, thus a majority of PQLs churn and never get to a paid, value realization stage
Companies who choose SLG, inversely:
🤑 SUCCEED at maintaining control of the value story
💣 FAIL at achieving modern buyer demands, thus 90% of demos stop there never converting
What if there was a 3rd door?
A hybrid option
What if there was an option that took the BEST parts of SLG and married them with the most EFFICIENT parts of PLG?
What KPIs would improve?